I have started experimenting with interactivity and web art back in 1993. In 1996 I launched my website [] as a place for further examination of online investigation. 2016 marks the 20th anniversary and for the last few years i have been feeling the urge to go back and explore this medium. Technology has changed dramatically over these 20 years & i had a lot of catching up to do. Over the past few years i have been collecting screen-captures of elements that coincide with my interest in capitalism, civilian control & manipulation tactics. The artist residency program at Bremen seemed like a perfect time and place to carry out further exploration of the medium.

CON-TEMPO-RARY-LANDSCAPE presents my take on contemporary landscape. People are staring at screens large and small [even when they go to the park] and messages are being pushed their way competing on the viewers attention. This project resides online, where one would expect infinite options, to be in control, but this project is non-interactive. The only way to interact with this asynchronous project is to close the window [or lower the volume]. In this sense this works more like a video but the medium and technological choices minimize that exact control that the video format has and embraces the mishaps of this relatively young technology.
The artwork changes with the choice of browser, operating system, speed of the connection, processor and so on and thus the artist looses his control of the piece.