Paintings 2013
Views from the 2013 MFA exhibit
Views from the 2013 MFA exhibit
Circa 1982, Yuval liblich, David Soroko & david Opp, were in the same room, the text is taken from school curriculum. Militant textbook Arabic for Hebrew speaking jewish kids, drawn from memory & animated in 2013.
The banner holds the most important information, the information that needs to be seen, needs to be presented.
Haifa Hag program שם שלושת הציורים בצד שמאל audio files from the exhibit: Pikud Haoref [Home front command] tape for the blind, preparation for missile attack. 2 x 30 sec edits [i do not own the rights for this recording]
Exposing the powers that control, observing the CCTVs monitoring our life, Guantanamo or a local [Israeli] military training facility, the censorship of released FBI documents turns to a physical urban structure, fermenting the scope of control & information reduction. [Created for the Psychic TV / Genesis P-Orridge retrospective to be held at the Warhol Museum, Pittsburg.]
29.8.2013 silk screen on T-shirt 1/18 [back] slik screen on T-shirt 1/6 http://mayaober.wix.com/intervals#!works/ck0q
מכונות של תשוקה התשוקה לחיים היא מכונה משומנת. היא אובייקט של התנסות וייצור. בשל כך קיומה כפול: היא נמצאת גם בתוך האדם המשתוקק וגם מחוצה לו, מכוננת אותו וההפך. היא מתקיימת בתוכו, אולם היא על מסלול חיצוני לו – אשר מפעיל, מנהל ומארגן את חייו, חיינו. לעיתים קיומה בעולם מביא לתוצאות הנתפסות כחיוביות, אך לעיתים […]
A continuation of the photographed study of CCTV cameras, public space, museums, the old city Jerusalem and the Venice biennale.
Pink Floyd’s music is remixed, well, more like re-edited – the video is taken from pre-post production files, youtube clips, 3d shapes an so on, created for the – PLINK FLOJD project [plinkflojd.com]. was screened in Portland & LA.
A video re-make of the album “Dreams Less Sweet” by Psychic TV, recorded in 1983, the video created by 47 artists each was given a minute of audio & a word. The re-make was initiated by Sam Zimmerman & Genesis Breyer P-Orridge to coincide with the Genesis P-Orridge retrospective at the Andy Warhol museum, 2013. david Opp [2013], […]
Site-specific permanent painting at the Haifa University, main building parking lot. 2013, [Commissioned grant from the University of Haifa]